Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Where are you situated?

        A: We are situated in Cape Town, South Africa, but have people from
           all over the world involved!

Q: Do you guys do physical tutoring?

        A: Of course we do! That is how we all got started and even how some of us met. 
           Unfortunately though because we are all situated in the same city, physical 
           tuition is limited to our immediate surroundings

Q: Is your content available in other languages?

        A: Unfortunately not, but we are hard at work to introduce this feature. 
        Currently most of our free time is devoted to creating content for this website.

Q: Can this website be used for homeschooling?

        A: It most certainly can! However, nothing is guaranteed and if this is your approach 
        we encourage you to maintain constant contact with us to ensure the best results.

        *Click on the logo in top left corner to return to home page